Just Me & My French Press

Sometimes you just need a lazy morning to feed your soul. I have been so exhausted lately, by lately I mean the past few months. I left my home, friends, and family to move back to New York. And between packing and moving (I drove across the country), settling into a new apartment, job searching, and adjusting to the city lifestyle (I kind of forgot the intensity), I've just been pooped. I work weird hours, I don't have weekends off, and I don't exactly love my job. I don't have all of my comforts of home, yet. But I'm getting there.

I don't have to go to work until later this afternoon so I woke up this morning and made some coffee with my French press. I had big plans for today, of all the errands I could run before work. But I sat down with my coffee and I haven't removed myself from the couch since. And I don't feel the least bit guilty like I normally would. I'm chillin'. =) And I need it. Me, my couch, the sun shining in through my matchbox apartment window (sunshine in your apartment is a novelty in NYC), and my French press. We are BFF's this morning. And I feel so refreshed.

I hope you all take some time this weekend (or whenever your "weekend" is) to push your reset button. Chill. Relax. Stay in your P.J.'s. Hit up your French press. I highly recommend it.



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