Elizabeth Ifill

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Glow From the Inside

It's that time of year when the world falls in love, right? What makes the energy of the world so much different during this time of year? The music, the lights, the parties, the presents, the nostalgia? Maybe. I definitely think those things have a lot to do with the positive energy you feel during the holiday season.

So why do we only participate in this season of joy and giving one time a year? Regardless of what holidays you do and do not celebrate, this sweet month of December offers so many wonderful feelings, and the excitement of starting a brand new year with high hopes of making it better than the last.

I want to encourage everyone to remember these feelings of hope and joy this month and try to make that feeling last all year long! Here are my tips to glow from the inside. Eating a healthy diet and including regular exercise will also give you healthy insides! ;) But let's focus on the matters of the heart. <3 Sorry to get so sappy on you, but spending some time on self reflection during such a busy time will only be better for you and the people around you. Now read on!

1. Cancel your membership to the mean girls (or boys!) club.
Stop being mean, talking smack, and giving people the stink eye. As cliche as it sounds (because that's what it is) you are the company you keep. If all your friends do is talk about other people, maybe it's time to find new friends. What kind of relationship is that anyway? Not a very meaningful one. It does no good to your well-being to think poorly of others all the time. Work on trying to find friends who have similar interests as you (like exercising & eating well!), I guarantee you will be happier having a group of friends who love and support each other.

2. Smile! :)
Nobody ever got anywhere good by scowling. Get rid of that grumpy face, even if itisyour thinking face. It's giving you wrinkles anyway. Work on smiling. I get complimented on my smile all the time. And I don't think it's that I have an exceptional smile, it's just that I smile a lot. And people love to be smiled at. :) :) :) People also LOVE to be complimented! Start passing out compliments to friends and strangers, watch how people immediately brighten up. Share your glow with someone else!

3. Spend some time on you!
I'm a big fan of alone time. If I'm not alone for a little bit each day, I become a little cranky. I just need some "me" time to decompress, gather my thoughts, or just daydream. Try a few yoga poses, a meditation, take a bath, read a book, go for a walk (or a drive), or just plop down on the couch for a few minutes. Trust me, you'll thank me. ;)

4. Positive affirmations.
What do you like about you? Say something positive about yourself everyday. It makes for a better self outlook, and higher self esteem. You can also do positive affirmations with your friends or family. Hearing what someone else likes about you feels so, so good. Positive affirmations with your family or friends once a month can be so great for reconnecting. The people closest to us can drive us a little crazy sometimes. <3

5. Work out.
Its good for your heart, mind, body and soul. Working out gets your endorphins flowing and creates a better self image. (remember the affirmations? "My abs look really awesome after doing 80 crunches yesterday!" See, it's all connected. ;) ) Besides, getting your heart pumping increases your blood flow, which leads to healthy, glowing skin. Remember!

6. Do something you LOVE.
You cant be 100% happy if you aren't doing something you love. I'm talking about your work here. Sometimes its not always possible to have your dream career, but set a goal and work towards it. You will be much happier knowing you are working towards something you really love to do. Find your passion, and reinvent yourself if you have to!

7. Let go of negativity.
Forget what negative things others say about you. You know youthe best, their negativity has no place in your life. It drags you down and makes you question yourself. Don't! It's not true. Don't let others have power over you.

8. Be giving.
Giving to others is one of the greatest ways to show love. You don't have to be rich, you don't even have to give presents (although those are nice, too!), but give what you think the other person might need. Maybe it's a hug, a phone call, a coffee date, or some motivation. Giving "gifts" to others is actually a really great way to feel good about yourself. Knowing you made someone else happy can lift your own spirits as well!

I hope that my tips are encouraging to everyone this holiday season and beyond! I will do my best to follow my own advice as well! Please feel free to share any of your advice with me, below!


Love & Warm Wishes,

